JUDGE: Ms Jane Crenshaw | ||
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Puppy Dogs 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos . | ||
1 |
(31) | RAINBOW N SHELSHIRE WE SCARE BECAUSE WE CARE. DN629863/01. 06/28/2020. BREEDER: K. Smith (Adams) K. Rasmussen S. Shirey E. Macnair. By GCHS CH Rochars Wizard of Menlo Park at Shelshire-GCH CH Rainbow’s Cookie Monster. OWNER: Kari Adams & Shelly Shirey. AGENT: Kari A Adams. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Puppy Dogs 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos . | ||
2 |
(17) | SNAPDRAGON XIV KARAT JUST A CLOWN AT HEART. DN623599/04. 05/02/2020. BREEDER: Lisa Anderson DVM. By GCHG CH XIV Karat Heart Of Gold Harry Go Lucky R-GCHB CH Snapdragon Listen To Your Heart. OWNER: Sherri Hurst & Lisa Anderson DVM. |
1 |
(39) | SNAPDRAGON STEALER OF HEARTS. DN623599/03. 05/02/2020. BREEDER: Lisa Anderson DVM. By GCHG CH Karat Heart of Gold Harry Go Lucky RN CGC-GCHB CH Snapdragon Listen to Your Heart. OWNER: Cheryl Mansfield & Lisa Anderson DVM. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Junior Dogs 12 Mos & Under 15 Mos . | ||
1/OSS |
(9) | ALLEGRO NO SLEEP TIL BROOKLYN. DN617995/01. 03/06/2020. BREEDER: Jerilyn Bon and Jessica Viera. By GCHB Allegro Grandiose Frankly My Dear RA PT CA B-Grandiose Fools Rush In at Ataraxis. OWNER: Jerilyn Bon and Jessica Viera. |
3 |
(41) | LLYS DRAIG SEXY EYES. DN629956/01. 02/13/2020. BREEDER: Joan P Adams. By GCHG CH Toreth’s Tungsten Archer-Ch Llys Draig Macwallace Luv To Dance. OWNER: Joan P Adams. |
2 |
(61) | WINDMILLS REMEMBER THE TIME. DN610800/03. 01/01/2020. BREEDER: Ashley Miller Cassie Frank Heather Miller. By GCHS CH XIV Karat A Date to Remember-CH Pecan Valley Party in the USA. OWNER: Sherry Green. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Junior Dogs 15 Mos & Under 18 Mos . | ||
(5) | WINDMILL’S ONCE IN A BLUE MOON. DN604482/03. 11/11/2019. BREEDER: Ashley Miller and Heather Miller. By GCHG CH Toreth’s Tungsten Archer-CH Coedwig’s Sunrise on Lanikai Beach. OWNER: Kamla Utz and Ashley Miller. | |
3 |
(15) | MACWALLACE WISH YOU WERE HERE. DN600259/01. 09/27/2019. BREEDER: Dr. Eilzabeth S. Macnair & Eleanor S. Macnair. By GCH CH Aubrey’s Mystery Date for XIV Karat-GCH CH MacWallace Miorbhail. OWNER: Virginia Wilson. |
2 |
(21) | CH WINDMILL’S DARK SIDE OF THE MOON. DN604482/01. 11/11/2019. BREEDER: Heather Miller and Ashley Miller. By GCHG CH Toreth’s Tungsten Archer-CH Coedwig’s Sunrise On Lanikai Beach. OWNER: Heather Miller and Ashley Miller. |
1 |
(27) | MACWALLACE COME SAIL AWAY. DN600259/06. 09/27/2019. BREEDER: Dr Elizabeth S Macnair and Eleanor S Macnair. By GCH CH Aubrey’s Mystery Date at XIVKarat-GCH CH MacWallace Miorbhail. OWNER: Freddie & Cindy Goodson. |
4 |
(51) | KINGSBURY PIKES PEAK OR BARK. DN596514/03. 10/03/2019. BREEDER: Jacque Glenn & Don W Glenn & Caitlyn Connor. By GCH Hurrikane Boy Genius RN HT BCAT CGC-GCH Boss is Hanky Panky at Kingsbury. OWNER: Brian and DeAnne Poole. AGENT: Kathryn Wallis. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Puppy Bitches 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos . | ||
1 |
(38) | WHITE RAVEN ONCE AND FLORAL AT SNAPDRAGON. DN644819/02. 09/04/2020. BREEDER: Lisa Anderson DVM. By CH Wonderland Alexander MacPlum CGC-Snapdragon Build Me Up. OWNER: Lisa Anderson DVM. AGENT: Barbara Weiner. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Puppy Bitches 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos . | ||
2 |
(34) | SNAPDRAGON HEART WILL GO ON. DN623599/01. 05/02/2020. BREEDER: Lisa Anderson DVM. By GCHG CH XIV Karat Heart Of Gold Harry Go Lucky RN-GCHB CH Snapdragon Listen To Your Heart. OWNER: Lisa Anderson DVM. |
1 |
(46) | CH SNAPDRAGON EVERY BEAT OF MY HEART. DN623599/02. 05/02/2020. BREEDER: Lisa Anderson DVM. By GCHG CH XIV Karat Heart of Gold Harry Go Lucky TK-GCHB CH Snapdragon Listen to Your Heart TKN. OWNER: Veda Greer and Lisa Anderson DVM. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Junior Bitches 12 Mos & Under 15 Mos . | ||
1 |
(6) | LOST RIVER MAKING A SPASH AT AUBREY. DN615402/01. 01/27/2020. BREEDER: Shawn Michael & Angela Riley. By CH Lost River Spash N Dash-Cosmopolitan Uptown Girl. OWNER: Cynthia M Savioli & Vincent Savioli. AGENT: Sherri Samel Hurst. |
2 |
(22) | WINDMILL’S LOVE WILL REMEMBER. DN610800/01. 01/08/2020. BREEDER: Heather and Ashley Miller and Cassie Frank. By GCHS CH XIV Karat A Date To Remember-CH Pecan Valley Party In The USA. OWNER: Heather and Ashley Miller. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Junior Bitches 15 Mos & Under 18 Mos . | ||
4 |
(10) | CAJUN MA CHERIE. DN596547/01. 10/02/2019. BREEDER: Keith P Bonin. By GCH CH XIV Karat Playing It Cool at Aubrey-CH Cajun Moonlight Magnolia. OWNER: Keith P Bonin. |
(12) | MACWALLACE CRUMPETS FOR BREAKFAST. DN600259/04. 09/27/2019. BREEDER: Dr Elizabeth S Macnair and Eleanor S Macnair. By GCH CH Aubrey’Mystery Date at XIVKarat-GCH CH MacWallace Miorbhail. OWNER: Carlina Paz-Giraldo and Dr Elizabeth S Macnair. | |
3 |
(14) | CH WINDMILL’S DANCE BY THE LIGHT OF THE MOON. DN604482/02. 11/11/2019. BREEDER: Heather and Ashley Miller. By GCHG CH Toreth’s Tungsten Archer-CH Coedwig’s Sunrise On Lanikai Beach. OWNER: Heather and Ashley Miller. |
2 |
(16) | GCH CH SHELSHIRE RAINBOW REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE. DN602010/06. 11/17/2019. BREEDER: Kari Smith &Kathy Rasmussen & E MacNair & S Shirey. By Shelshire All The Kings Men-Gch Ch Rainbow’s Cookie Monster. OWNER: Shelly Shirey and Sydney Wills. |
1/BSS |
(36) | WINDMILL’S BAD MOON RISING TKN. DN604482/04. 11/11/2019. BREEDER: Ashley E Miller & Heather Miller. By GCHG CH Toreth’s Tungsten Archer-CH Coedwig’s Sunrise On Lanikai Beach. OWNER: Chrystal Carlton Kaycee Carlton & Ashley Miller. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs 9 Yrs & Older . | ||
1/BC |
(47) | CH GRCHS XIV KARAT HEART OF GOLD HARRY GO LUCKY. DN305144/05. 11/19/2010. BREEDER: Sherri Hurst and Lisa Phillips. By Ch GRCH Kingsbury’s I’m Harry P.-Ch CH Heart Of Gold Icing. OWNER: Veda Greer and Sherri Hurst. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Veteran Sweepstakes Bitches 7 Yrs & Under 9 Yrs . | ||
1/OC |
(24) | CH COEDWIG’S SUNRISE ON LANIKAI BEACH. DN374680/03. 08/07/2013. BREEDER: Leda Thompson. By Gch Ch Coedwig’s Play It Again Sam-Gch Ch Coedwig’s A Walk On The Beach. OWNER: Ashley & Heather Miller. |
JUDGE: Mr James E Frederiksen | ||
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Puppy Dogs 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos . | ||
1 |
31 | RAINBOW N SHELSHIRE WE SCARE BECAUSE WE CARE. DN629863/01. 06/28/2020. BREEDER: K. Smith (Adams) K. Rasmussen S. Shirey E. Macnair. By GCHS CH Rochars Wizard of Menlo Park at Shelshire-GCH CH Rainbow’s Cookie Monster. OWNER: Kari Adams & Shelly Shirey. AGENT: Kari A Adams. |
2 |
53 | REDBUD OAK LEAF HEY BIG SPENDER. DN638225/01. 07/17/2020. BREEDER: Jane Crenshaw and George Ann Kuettel. By GChB Onalee Telltail That Touch of Mink-Ch Redbud Oak Leaf Dark Necessities. OWNER: Stephanie Esquell. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Puppy Dogs 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos . | ||
2 |
17 | SNAPDRAGON XIV KARAT JUST A CLOWN AT HEART. DN623599/04. 05/02/2020. BREEDER: Lisa Anderson DVM. By GCHG CH XIV Karat Heart Of Gold Harry Go Lucky R-GCHB CH Snapdragon Listen To Your Heart. OWNER: Sherri Hurst & Lisa Anderson DVM. |
1/RW |
39 | SNAPDRAGON STEALER OF HEARTS. DN623599/03. 05/02/2020. BREEDER: Lisa Anderson DVM. By GCHG CH Karat Heart of Gold Harry Go Lucky RN CGC-GCHB CH Snapdragon Listen to Your Heart. OWNER: Cheryl Mansfield & Lisa Anderson DVM. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Twelve To Eighteen Month Dogs . | ||
2 |
9 | ALLEGRO NO SLEEP TIL BROOKLYN. DN617995/01. 03/06/2020. BREEDER: Jerilyn Bon and Jessica Viera. By GCHB Allegro Grandiose Frankly My Dear RA PT CA B-Grandiose Fools Rush In at Ataraxis. OWNER: Jerilyn Bon and Jessica Viera. |
15 | MACWALLACE WISH YOU WERE HERE. DN600259/01. 09/27/2019. BREEDER: Dr. Eilzabeth S. Macnair & Eleanor S. Macnair. By GCH CH Aubrey’s Mystery Date for XIV Karat-GCH CH MacWallace Miorbhail. OWNER: Virginia Wilson. | |
33 | OAK LEAF REDBUD READY TO RUN CGC. DN607100/04. 12/27/2019. BREEDER: Jane Crenshaw & George Ann Kuettel. By Gch Ch Oak Leaf Redbud Dragon Eye-Ch Redbud Oak Leaf Dark Necessities. OWNER: David Parker. | |
4 |
37 | REDBUD’S ANOTHER DAY DAWNS. DN612004/07. 01/06/2020. BREEDER: Jane Crenshaw. By Kingsbury’s Just a Little Hocus Pocus-Kino’s Quarry Amber at Redbud. OWNER: Debra Carroll Thornton. |
41 | LLYS DRAIG SEXY EYES. DN629956/01. 02/13/2020. BREEDER: Joan P Adams. By GCHG CH Toreth’s Tungsten Archer-Ch Llys Draig Macwallace Luv To Dance. OWNER: Joan P Adams. | |
1 |
51 | KINGSBURY PIKES PEAK OR BARK. DN596514/03. 10/03/2019. BREEDER: Jacque Glenn & Don W Glenn & Caitlyn Connor. By GCH Hurrikane Boy Genius RN HT BCAT CGC-GCH Boss is Hanky Panky at Kingsbury. OWNER: Brian and DeAnne Poole. AGENT: Kathryn Wallis. |
3 |
59 | OAK LEAF REDBUD DARK DRAGON. DN607100/02. 12/27/2019. BREEDER: Jane Crenshaw & George Ann Kuettel. By Oak Leaf Redbud Dragon Eye-Redbud Oak Leaf Dark Necessities. OWNER: Katelyn McKeever. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs . | ||
1/W/BW |
5 | WINDMILL’S ONCE IN A BLUE MOON. DN604482/03. 11/11/2019. BREEDER: Ashley Miller and Heather Miller. By GCHG CH Toreth’s Tungsten Archer-CH Coedwig’s Sunrise on Lanikai Beach. OWNER: Kamla Utz and Ashley Miller. |
2 |
19 | HARMONY’S EVERYTHING’S ALRIGHT. DN585012/05. 05/20/2019. BREEDER: Helen I Cantrell and Crystal Sims. By GCH CH Redbus’s Across the Universe-GCH CH Harmony’s Say You Love Me. OWNER: Crystal Sims & Mariana Pearson & Helen I Cantrell. |
2 |
27 | MACWALLACE COME SAIL AWAY. DN600259/06. 09/27/2019. BREEDER: Dr Elizabeth S Macnair and Eleanor S Macnair. By GCH CH Aubrey’s Mystery Date at XIVKarat-GCH CH MacWallace Miorbhail. OWNER: Freddie & Cindy Goodson. |
1 |
45 | BRIDGELADY’S TIME LORD AT RIATA. DN535407/01. 04/27/2018. BREEDER: Bonnie Money. By GCHG CH Turn-Key’s Little Big Man RN-Bridgelady’s Hot Wheels of Drindod OA OAJ. OWNER: Judy Bryan & Ken Bryan. AGENT: Sergio Espejo. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Puppy Bitches 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos . | ||
1 |
38 | WHITE RAVEN ONCE AND FLORAL AT SNAPDRAGON. DN644819/02. 09/04/2020. BREEDER: Lisa Anderson DVM. By CH Wonderland Alexander MacPlum CGC-Snapdragon Build Me Up. OWNER: Lisa Anderson DVM. AGENT: Barbara Weiner. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Puppy Bitches 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos . | ||
1 |
34 | SNAPDRAGON HEART WILL GO ON. DN623599/01. 05/02/2020. BREEDER: Lisa Anderson DVM. By GCHG CH XIV Karat Heart Of Gold Harry Go Lucky RN-GCHB CH Snapdragon Listen To Your Heart. OWNER: Lisa Anderson DVM. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Twelve To Eighteen Month Bitches . | ||
EX |
6 | LOST RIVER MAKING A SPASH AT AUBREY. DN615402/01. 01/27/2020. BREEDER: Shawn Michael & Angela Riley. By CH Lost River Spash N Dash-Cosmopolitan Uptown Girl. OWNER: Cynthia M Savioli & Vincent Savioli. AGENT: Sherri Samel Hurst. |
2 |
26 | OAK LEAF REDBUD CHILKAT AT CAJUN. DN607100/05. 12/27/2019. BREEDER: Jane Crenshaw & George ann Kuettel. By GCH CH Oak Leaf Redbud Dragon Eye-CH Redbud Oak Leaf Dark Necessities. OWNER: Keith P Bonin. |
1 |
36 | WINDMILL’S BAD MOON RISING TKN. DN604482/04. 11/11/2019. BREEDER: Ashley E Miller & Heather Miller. By GCHG CH Toreth’s Tungsten Archer-CH Coedwig’s Sunrise On Lanikai Beach. OWNER: Chrystal Carlton Kaycee Carlton & Ashley Miller. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches . | ||
2 |
10 | CAJUN MA CHERIE. DN596547/01. 10/02/2019. BREEDER: Keith P Bonin. By GCH CH XIV Karat Playing It Cool at Aubrey-CH Cajun Moonlight Magnolia. OWNER: Keith P Bonin. |
3 |
12 | MACWALLACE CRUMPETS FOR BREAKFAST. DN600259/04. 09/27/2019. BREEDER: Dr Elizabeth S Macnair and Eleanor S Macnair. By GCH CH Aubrey’Mystery Date at XIVKarat-GCH CH MacWallace Miorbhail. OWNER: Carlina Paz-Giraldo and Dr Elizabeth S Macnair. |
1 |
22 | WINDMILL’S LOVE WILL REMEMBER. DN610800/01. 01/08/2020. BREEDER: Heather and Ashley Miller and Cassie Frank. By GCHS CH XIV Karat A Date To Remember-CH Pecan Valley Party In The USA. OWNER: Heather and Ashley Miller. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, American-Bred Bitches . | ||
1/W |
42 | COEDWIG’S CALIFORNIA DREAMIN CGC. DN589189/02. 08/18/2019. BREEDER: Megan Sims Kennedy & Dawna Sims & Kim Shira. By GCH CH Coedwig’s black diamond-coedwig’s meant to be pt. OWNER: Kimberly Jacobson & Lissa L. Jacobson. AGENT: Lissa Jacobson. |
2/RW |
44 | COEDWIG’S HONOR AT SILVERAURORA. DN550035/01. 09/11/2018. BREEDER: Kim Shira & Leo Eikoff. By DC Coedwig’s Malachite HXAdsc-Ch Coedwig’s Fire Opal. OWNER: Suzanne Nevada. AGENT: Tanya Tresino. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Open Bitches . | ||
1 |
40 | DOXFORD-WESTWIND PRISMA CGC. DN562093/04. 01/09/2019. BREEDER: Sonja Benavidez. By Davenitch Let your Light Shine-GCHB Davenitch Doxford Sand Pipers Jewel BN RA NJ. OWNER: Kimberly & Lissa Jacobson. AGENT: Lissa Jacobson. |
2 |
48 | CORNERSTONE’S SIMPLE ELEGANCE. DN596395/02. 08/30/2019. BREEDER: Mrs. Nancee Lee Jones & Rita J Hellegers. By GCH CH Cornerstone’s Moonlit-GCH CH Cornerstone’s Mercy Reigns. OWNER: Nancee Lee Jones & Rita J Hellegers. AGENT: Lois DeMers. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Veteran Dogs . | ||
2 |
35 | GCHS Ch RACH XIV KARAT CHERRY ON TOP BN RM3 RAE10. DN238355/03. 11/14/2008. BREEDER: Sherri Hurst. By GCh Ch Heart Of Gold Power Play-Ch Larchmonts Cherry Pie. OWNER: Rebecca Voegtlin. |
1 |
47 | CH GRCHS XIV KARAT HEART OF GOLD HARRY GO LUCKY. DN305144/05. 11/19/2010. BREEDER: Sherri Hurst and Lisa Phillips. By Ch GRCH Kingsbury’s I’m Harry P.-Ch CH Heart Of Gold Icing. OWNER: Veda Greer and Sherri Hurst. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Veteran Bitches . | ||
1 |
24 | CH COEDWIG’S SUNRISE ON LANIKAI BEACH. DN374680/03. 08/07/2013. BREEDER: Leda Thompson. By Gch Ch Coedwig’s Play It Again Sam-Gch Ch Coedwig’s A Walk On The Beach. OWNER: Ashley & Heather Miller. |
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGIS, Best of Breed Competition . | ||
7 | GCHG CH XIV KARAT A DATE TO REMEMBER CGC. DN528852/01. 10/06/2017. Dog. BREEDER: Sherri Hurst & Nicki Short. By GchS Ch Aubrey’s Mystery Date For XIV Karat-GchS Ch XIV Karat She’s All The Rave At Lazy Paws. OWNER: Ashley Miller & Sherri Hurst. |
B |
11 | GCHG CH XIV KARAT COME HELL OR HIGH WATER. DN520090/01. 07/24/2017. Dog. BREEDER: Sherri Hurst. By Gch Ch XIV Karat Playing It Cool At Aubrey-Ch XIV Karat Go Where Your Heart Takes You. OWNER: Peggy McCoy & Sherri Hurst. |
14 | CH WINDMILL’S DANCE BY THE LIGHT OF THE MOON. DN604482/02. 11/11/2019. Bitch. BREEDER: Heather and Ashley Miller. By GCHG CH Toreth’s Tungsten Archer-CH Coedwig’s Sunrise On Lanikai Beach. OWNER: Heather and Ashley Miller. | |
16 | GCH CH SHELSHIRE RAINBOW REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE. DN602010/06. 11/17/2019. Bitch. BREEDER: Kari Smith &Kathy Rasmussen & E MacNair & S Shirey. By Shelshire All The Kings Men-Gch Ch Rainbow’s Cookie Monster. OWNER: Shelly Shirey and Sydney Wills. |
OS |
18 | GCH SNAPDRAGON DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS. DN593095/01. 08/04/2019. Bitch. BREEDER: Lisa Anderson DVM. By GCHG CH XIV Karat Heart Of Gold Harry Go Lucky TK-GCH CH Snapdragon Bless Your Heart. OWNER: Lisa Anderson DVM. AGENT: Barbara Weiner. |
20 | CH POOHS MACWALLACE CARDIRIDGE BREATHLESS. DN418482/01. 11/21/2014. Bitch. BREEDER: Eleanor Macnair/Dr Elizabeth Macnair/Marla Gardner. By CH Yardican Cardiridge Eli Epell-GCH CH Pooh’s Fair Lady. OWNER: Eleanor Macnair/Dr Elizabeth Macnair/Marla Gardner. | |
21 | CH WINDMILL’S DARK SIDE OF THE MOON. DN604482/01. 11/11/2019. Dog. BREEDER: Heather Miller and Ashley Miller. By GCHG CH Toreth’s Tungsten Archer-CH Coedwig’s Sunrise On Lanikai Beach. OWNER: Heather Miller and Ashley Miller. | |
28 | SNAPDRAGON PIECE OF MY HEART. DN595684/01. 08/24/2019. Bitch. BREEDER: Lisa Anderson DVM. By GCHP CH Harmony’s The Point Of No Return-GCHB CH Snapdragon Listen To Your Heart TKN. OWNER: Lisa Anderson DVM. | |
29 | CH EBONWALD MADEGANN QUICK STUDY. DN571873/01. 12/11/2018. Dog. BREEDER: Jessica Melsness & Garrett Ramsay. By CH Kino’s Quarry Tiger Eye at Redbud-GCH Ebonwald’s I’m Worth Melting For at Madegann. OWNER: Jessica Melsness. | |
30 | CH F & M’S VOODOO LOVE SPELL. DN560429/06. 12/01/2018. Bitch. BREEDER: Michelleenn Jo Horning. By CH Legacy Legend’s F&M’s Risky Business-CH Legacy Legends Cast a Spell. OWNER: Michelleen Jo Horning. | |
32 | GCHB CH XIV KARAT PLAYING THE FIELD AT AUBREY RI. DN419241/02. 12/01/2014. Bitch. BREEDER: Sherri Hurst & Cynthia & Vincent Savioli. By GCh Ch Heart Of Gold Power Play-Ch XIV Karat Truly A Gift From Spotlight. OWNER: Rebecca Voegtlin & Sherri Hurst. | |
AM |
43 | CH KEEROCKA’S O MARCO POLO EXPLOYER. DN549082/08. 08/27/2018. Dog. BREEDER: Julie Miller & Cindy McDonald. By Gch Ch Wyncrest Clear Creek Once Upon A Dream CA-Summit Foggy Bottom I Wanna Bluvdbyu. OWNER: Judy Brown. |
AM |
46 | CH SNAPDRAGON EVERY BEAT OF MY HEART. DN623599/02. 05/02/2020. Bitch. BREEDER: Lisa Anderson DVM. By GCHG CH XIV Karat Heart of Gold Harry Go Lucky TK-GCHB CH Snapdragon Listen to Your Heart TKN. OWNER: Veda Greer and Lisa Anderson DVM. |
57 | CH AURIGAN ALDERSHON BUGATTI. DN508341/01. 07/09/2017. Dog. BREEDER: Dayl Phillip. By Ch Aurigans Kantasia Rolls Royce-Aurigan Stubby Acres Lovestruck. OWNER: Cindi Pace & Sharon Curry. AGENT: Philip Boyce. | |
61 | WINDMILLS REMEMBER THE TIME. DN610800/03. 01/01/2020. Dog. BREEDER: Ashley Miller Cassie Frank Heather Miller. By GCHS CH XIV Karat A Date to Remember-CH Pecan Valley Party in the USA. OWNER: Sherry Green. |