Regular and Non-Regular Classes:
Ingrid Prytz Ohm
Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes plus Junior Showmanship:
Kim Moshlak
In the event that the puppy and veteran entry on Wednesday exceeds the maximum daily count for a judge an additional sweepstakes judge will be assigned.
The Parade of Titleholders will be held on Thursday before Winners Dog.
Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, and Brace will be held on Saturday after Best of Breed.
Entries Open 03/05/2025
Entries Close 04/23/2025
Entry Fees:
- Regular conformation classes: $39 for first entry, $25 for additional class
- Non-Regular and Puppy Classes (6-9, 9-12, and BBE puppy): $30
- Sweepstakes (Puppy and Veteran) $25
- 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy: $20
4-6 Month Puppy Class
Intended to introduce new exhibitors/puppies to the dog-show world in a stress-free and relaxed environment and an opportunity for puppies to socialize with people and other dogs at an optimal time of their development.
We will enjoy this class on Friday morning and hope that all new babies come out to show their stuff.
Herding Titled Classes
- Any Cardigan Welsh Corgi over 6 months of age that has acquired an AKC Herding title of record will be eligible for this class.
- The winner of these classes will be eligible to compete for Best of Breed. A dog that has been neutered or spayed is NOT eligible to be exhibited in this Class.
- If entered in this class and BOB they may NOT be exhibited in BOB if they are defeated in the Herding Titled non-regular class.
- Instinct tests are a certificate, NOT a title and therefore do not qualify a dog for the class.