Grooming Chairs:
Cassie Frank
Doug Greig
Spaces are 5′ x 10′ at $60 for the week. Overnight Grooming is available at an additional $100 per space for the week. Note that overnight spaces are in a single area. If you pay for both an overnight space and a regular space they will not be contiguous.
Space will be allocated based on 4 dogs per a 5×10 space. Crates must be stackable. Those with fewer than 4 dogs maybe asked to share with others if space becomes critical.
Grooming reservations will open on January 1, 2025 and will close when entries close or when reservations are full. Please be sure to reserve early as spaces are first-come first-served.
The grooming area will be open on Monday, May 19th. The exact time will be posted later, so check back.
The deadline to completely vacate the area is Sunday, 25th at 10 am. All dogs and equipment must be out of the grooming area. Please remove any floor tape and trash when you are breaking down your grooming space.
There will be an area designated near each ring for soft sided crates. This area will be available on Monday (all day) through close of obedience and rally on Tuesday. No overnight crating at ringside. A FLOOR COVERING MUST BE PLACED UNDER EVERY CRATE – RUG, TOWEL, MAT, ETC. OR A MINIMUM OF 4 MIL PLASTIC SHEETING, AVAILABLE ONSITE FOR THOSE THAT NEED IT.
Grooming Guidelines and Reservation Agreement
To ensure that our members and guests enjoy a comfortable, low-stress grooming environment for the 2025 CWCCA National Specialty the grooming committee has laid out these key guidelines. We are sharing as much information in advance so that everyone is aware and able to plan accordingly. These rules were developed first and foremost for the safety and comfort of our dogs and attendees.
- Spaces are 5′ x 10′ and have power.
- Exhibitors are responsible for keeping a clean area in and around their grooming space. The grooming area will be cleaned nightly. Please remember to clean your area prior to leaving for the night.
- We will provide crate/space forms for all grooming areas.
- These tags MUST be marked with contact information for every person in that space. Name and phone number must be legible and visible for the entirety of the show in case of emergency. Each crate must have a tag.
- Dogs should not be left unattended in crates for the full day. Please remember to bring covers for any dog that is susceptible to being anxious or who barks a lot. It is as much for their comfort as it is for those around you.
- Any dog left on a table must be monitored by a person and not unattended.
- Keep aisles open and accessible for carts. Do not block with chairs or equipment
- NO outside food or beverage is allowed on the Purina Farms property. Violators will be reported to the AKC (per Purina Event Center).
- Grooming area will be closed from 10:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m.
- No Ex-pens will be allowed in the grooming area and no exercising of dogs is allowed indoors.
- No helium balloons allowed in the grooming area.
- 4 dogs minimum per space. If you only have one or two dogs, please find someone to share with. If you need help in finding someone to share with, please send an email to the grooming chair, and they will do their best to hook you up.
- No soft-sided crates are allowed in the main grooming area and all crates must be stackable.
- Maximum of 2 spaces per person, as long as you have four or more dogs in each.
- NO requests for a specific space.
- If you are in a large group, have ONE person submit for the group.
- NO spaces will be sold for a separate area to entertain.
- If you have someone that you would like to groom with, please let us know on the form.
- All spaces must be paid by Stripe, PayPal, or Check through the NS CardiShop within 10 days or the spaces will return to the pool.
- The deadline to completely vacate the area is Sunday, 25th at 10 am. All dogs and equipment must be out of the grooming area. Please remove any floor tape and trash when you are breaking down your grooming space.
- In the event any concerns arise, please communicate them to the Event team at the Welcome Table.
Overnight Rules
- A crate tag for each dog left overnight will be listed with their name, sex, breed, and color on the sheet displayed in the setup. The responsible person’s name, phone number, and lodging information will be displayed also, plus an alternate contact person.
- If the number of exhibitors who leave dogs in the grooming area is less than expected, you will be contacted to pay the additional funds needed to cover security.
- All dogs left in the grooming area will be placed in the same area near the exits.
- Any dogs that are considered unruly or poorly cared for by the show committee or who escape will have to be removed by the owner/handler.
- Dogs will need to be tended to by 7:00 AM each morning.
By proceeding with your Grooming Reservation, you acknowledge that you have read and will comply with the guidelines. Be aware that violations of the guidelines will be monitored and may result in warnings or, if repeated or significant violations may lead to a Bench Committee Hearing. Please be respectful of each other and support the committee’s efforts to provide us all with a great National Experience!
- PLEASE DO NOT BUY MORE SPACES THAN YOU NEED. If you are handicapped, please indicate so, and we have spots reserved. As always, we will do our best to set you up with others as requested. Please submit any requests for setup (location, special needs, etc) under Notes. We try to take these all into consideration but cannot guarantee all preferences can be met. If you are in a large group, have ONE person submit for the group. All spaces must be paid by Stripe, PayPal, or Check through the NS CardiShop within 10 days, or the spaces will return to the pool.
If you have already reserved standard grooming and need to add the overnight charge, scroll down to the next form.
Please log in to reserve grooming.
Add Overnight Charge:
Please log in to reserve grooming.